import numpy import sys import random import subprocess import re import decimal import math import os import shutil import time import types import argparse from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter ############################################# ### CONSTRAINT AND CONSISTENCY VALIDATORS ### ############################################# def good2Go(SC, L, CC, STR): """ Check, if all input is correct and runnable """ if (SC == 1 and L == 1 and CC == 1 and STR == 1): return True else: print SC,L,CC,STR return False def reachableGC(C_struct): """ Checks if a demanded GC target content is reachable in dependence with the given sequence constraint. """ AU = 0 for i in C_struct: if i == "A" or i == "U": AU += 1 maxGC = 1 - (AU / float(len(C_struct))) # 1 - min_GC return maxGC def checkSequenceConstraint(SC): """ Checks the Sequence constraint for illegal nucleotide characters """ out = "" for c in SC: c = c.upper() if c not in "ACGURYSWKMBDHVN": # and c!= "R" and c != "Y" and c != "S" and c != "W" and c != "K" and c != "M" and c != "B" and c != "D" and c != "H" and c != "V": if c == "T": c = "U" else: print "\tIllegal Character in the constraint sequence!" print "\tPlease use the IUPAC nomenclature for defining nucleotides in the constraint sequence!" print "\tA Adenine" print "\tC Cytosine" print "\tG Guanine" print "\tT/U Thymine/Uracil" print "\tR A or G" print "\tY C or T/U" print "\tS G or C" print "\tW A or T/U" print "\tK G or T/U" print "\tM A or C" print "\tB C or G or T/U" print "\tD A or G or T/U" print "\tH A or C or T/U" print "\tV A or C or G" print "\tN any base" exit(0) out += c return (1, out) def transform(seq): """ Transforms "U" to "T" for the processing is done on DNA alphabet """ S = "" for s in seq: if s == "T": S += "U" else: S += s return S def checkSimilarLength(s, SC): """ Compares sequence and structure constraint length """ if len(s) == len(SC): return 1 else: return 0 def isStructure(s): """ Checks if the structure constraint only contains "(", ")", and "." and legal fuzzy structure constraint characters. """ returnvalue = 1 for a in range(0,len(s)): if s[a] not in ".()[]{}<>": if s[a] not in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": returnvalue = 0 return returnvalue def isBalanced(s): """ Check if the structure s is of a balanced nature """ balance = 1 for bracket in ["()", "[]", "{}", "<>"]: counter = 0 for a in xrange(len(s)): if s[a] in bracket[0]: counter += 1 elif s[a] in bracket[1]: counter -= 1 if counter != 0: balance = 0 return balance def fulfillsHairpinRule(s): """ CHECKING FOR THE 3 nt LOOP INTERSPACE for all kind of basepairs, even wihtin the pdeudoknots """ fulfillsRules = 1 for bracket in ["()", "[]", "{}", "<>"]: last_opening_char = 0 check = 0 for a in xrange(len(s)): if s[a] == bracket[0]: last_opening_char = a check = 1 elif s[a] == bracket[1] and check == 1: check = 0 if a - last_opening_char < 4: return 0 return 1 def isValidStructure(s): """ Checks, if the structure s is a valid structure """ Structure = isStructure(s) Balanced = isBalanced(s) HairpinRule = fulfillsHairpinRule(s) if Structure == 1 and Balanced == 1 and HairpinRule == 1: return 1 else: print Structure, Balanced, HairpinRule return 0 def isStructureCompatible(lp1, lp2 ,bp): """ Checks, if the region within lp1 and lp2 is structurally balanced """ x = lp1 + 1 while (x < lp2): if (bp[x] <= lp1 or bp[x] > lp2): return False if x == bp[x]: x += 1 else: x = bp[x] + 1 return x == lp2 def checkConstaintCompatibility(basepairstack, sequenceconstraint, IUPAC_compatibles): """ Checks if the constraints are compatible to each other """ returnstring = "" compatible = 1 for id1 in basepairstack: # key = (constraint , (pos, constraint))) constr1 = basepairstack[id1][0] id2 = basepairstack[id1][1][0] constr2 = basepairstack[id1][1][1] if id1 != id2 and not isCompatible(constr1, constr2, IUPAC_compatibles): compatible = 0 returnstring += "nucleotide constraint " + str(constr1) + " at position " + str(id1) + " is not compatible with nucleotide constraint " + str(constr2) + " at position " + str(id2) + "\n" #if not isCompatible(basepairstack[basepair][0], basepairstack[basepair][1][1]): #compatible = 0 #else: #returnstring += "nucleotide constraint " + str(basepairstack[basepair][0]) + " at position " + str(basepair) + " is compatible with nucleotide constraint " + str(basepairstack[basepair][1][1]) + " at position " + str(basepairstack[basepair][1][0]) + "\n" return (compatible, returnstring) ############################################################# ### IUPAC AFFILIATED MANAGEMENT OF COMPATIBLE NUCLEOTIDES ### ############################################################# def loadIUPACcompatibilities(IUPAC): """ Generating a hash containing all compatibilities of all IUPAC RNA NUCLEOTIDES """ compatible = {} for nuc1 in IUPAC: # ITERATING OVER THE DIFFERENT GROUPS OF IUPAC CODE sn1 = list(IUPAC[nuc1]) for nuc2 in IUPAC: # ITERATING OVER THE DIFFERENT GROUPS OF IUPAC CODE sn2 = list(IUPAC[nuc2]) compatib = 0 for c1 in sn1: # ITERATING OVER THE SINGLE NUCLEOTIDES WITHIN THE RESPECTIVE IUPAC CODE: for c2 in sn2: # ITERATING OVER THE SINGLE NUCLEOTIDES WITHIN THE RESPECTIVE IUPAC CODE: if (c1 == "A" and c2 == "U") or (c1 == "U" and c2 == "A") or (c1 == "C" and c2 == "G") or (c1 == "G" and c2 == "C"): #or (c1 == "G" and c2 == "T") or (c1 == "T" and c2 == "G"): # CHECKING THEIR COMPATIBILITY compatib = 1 compatible[nuc1 + "_" + nuc2] = compatib # SAVING THE RESPECTIVE GROUP COMPATIBILITY, REVERSE SAVING IS NOT REQUIRED, SINCE ITERATING OVER ALL AGAINST ALL return compatible def isCompatibleToSet(c1, c2, IUPAC_compatibles): """ Checks compatibility of c1 wihtin c2 """ compatible = True for setmember in c2: #print setmember if isCompatible(c1, setmember, IUPAC_compatibles) == False: return False return compatible def isCompatible(c1, c2, IUPAC_compatibles): """ Checks compatibility between character c1 and c2 """ if IUPAC_compatibles[c1 + "_" + c2] == 1: return True else: return False def complementBase(c): """ Returns the complement RNA character of c (without GU base pairs) """ retChar = "" if c == "A" : retChar = "U" elif c == "U": retChar = "A" elif c == "C": retChar = "G" elif c == "G": retChar = "C" return retChar ############################################### ### STRUCTURE AND SEQUENCE TO STACK PARSING ### ############################################### def getLP(BPSTACK): """ Retreives valid lonley base pairs from a base pair stack """ #20 ('N', (>BLOCK<, 'N')) # geting single base pairs stack = {} LP = {} if type(BPSTACK[random.choice(BPSTACK.keys())]) == types.TupleType: for i in BPSTACK.keys(): #if str(BPSTACK[i][1][0]) not in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": stack[i] = int(BPSTACK[i][1][0]) #print i , BPSTACK[i][1][0] else: for i in BPSTACK.keys(): #if str(BPSTACK[i]) not in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": stack[i] = BPSTACK[i] # removing redundant base pair indices for i in stack.keys(): if i >= stack[i]: del stack[i] # actual checking for single lonley base pairs for i in stack.keys(): if not (i-1 in stack and stack[i-1] == stack[i] + 1) and not (i+1 in stack and stack[i+1] == stack[i] - 1): LP[i] = stack[i] ##actual removal of 2er lonley base pairs for i in stack.keys(): if not (i-1 in stack and stack[i-1] == stack[i] + 1) and (i+1 in stack and stack[i+1] == stack[i] - 1) and not (i+2 in stack and stack[i+2] == stack[i] - 2): LP[i] = stack[i] LP[i+1] = stack[i+1] return LP def getBPStack(s, seq): """ Returns a dictionary of the corresponding basepairs of the structure s and the sequence constraint seq. """ tmp_stack = {"()":[], "{}":[], "[]":[], "<>":[]} bpstack = {} for i in xrange(len(s)): # REGULAR SECONDARY STRUCTURE DETECTION if s[i] in "(){}[]<>": no = 0 ### opening if s[i] in "([{<": if s[i] == "(": tmp_stack["()"].append((i, seq[i])) elif s[i] == "[": tmp_stack["[]"].append((i, seq[i])) elif s[i] == "{": tmp_stack["{}"].append((i, seq[i])) elif s[i] == "<": tmp_stack["<>"].append((i, seq[i])) #closing elif s[i] in ")]}>": if s[i] == ")": no, constr = tmp_stack["()"].pop() elif s[i] == "]": no, constr = tmp_stack["[]"].pop() elif s[i] == "}": no, constr = tmp_stack["{}"].pop() elif s[i] == ">": no, constr = tmp_stack["<>"].pop() bpstack[no] = (constr, (i, seq[i])) bpstack[i] = (seq[i] ,(no, constr)) elif s[i] == ".": bpstack[i] = (seq[i], (i, seq[i])) elif s[i] in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": bpstack[i] = (seq[i], (i, seq[i])) return (bpstack, getLP(bpstack)) def getbpStack(s): """ Returns a dictionary of the corresponding basepairs of the structure s and the sequence constraint seq. """ tmp_stack = {"()":[], "{}":[], "[]":[], "<>":[]} bpstack = {} for i in xrange(len(s)): if s[i] in "(){}[]<>": no = 0 ### opening if s[i] in "([{<": if s[i] == "(": tmp_stack["()"].append(i) elif s[i] == "[": tmp_stack["[]"].append(i) elif s[i] == "{": tmp_stack["{}"].append(i) elif s[i] == "<": tmp_stack["<>"].append(i) #closing elif s[i] in ")]}>": if s[i] == ")": no = tmp_stack["()"].pop() elif s[i] == "]": no = tmp_stack["[]"].pop() elif s[i] == "}": no = tmp_stack["{}"].pop() elif s[i] == ">": no = tmp_stack["<>"].pop() bpstack[no] = i # save basepair in the format {opening base id (opening seq constr,(closing base id, closing seq constr))} bpstack[i] = no # save basepair in the format {closing base id (closing seq constr,(opening base id, opening seq constr))} elif s[i] == ".": # no structural constaint given: produce entry, which references itself as a base pair partner.... bpstack[i] = i elif s[i] in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": bpstack[i] = i return (bpstack, getLP(bpstack)) ##################################### ### TERRAIN SCULPTING AND SCAPING ### ##################################### def maprange( a, b, s): """ Mapping function """ (a1, a2), (b1, b2) = a, b return b1 + ((s - a1) * (b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1)) def applyGCcontributionPathAdjustment(pathlength, tmpGC, nt): """ GC path length contribution calculation. """ GCadjustment = 1.5 minimum = 0.5 upper = GCadjustment lower = minimum if nt == "A" or nt == "U": pathlength = pathlength * maprange( (0, 1) , (lower, upper), tmpGC) if nt == "G" or nt == "C": #pathlength = pathlength * (float(1-tmpGC)) pathlength = pathlength * maprange( (1, 0) , (lower, upper), tmpGC) return pathlength def getConstraint(TE, BPstack, IUPAC, IUPAC_compatibles, IUPAC_reverseComplements): """ Dependend on the situation in the constraint an the respective path section, setting wether a specific constraint can be given or not (for that path section) """ # TE :: transition element / path section under dispute # id1 :: id of the position of the caharacter to which the transition is leading to # id2 :: id of the position of the character, which is listed in the BPinformation, it can be id1 as well, when no bp is present # val :: BPstack information of the specific position # constr1 :: constraining character of pos id1 # constr2 :: constraining character of pos id2 id1 = int(TE.split(".")[0]) val = BPstack[id1] # check out the value of the destination character in the basepair/constraint stack constr1 = val[0] # getting the constraint character of position id1 id2 = int(val[1][0]) # getting position id2 constr2 = val[1][1] # getting the sequence constraint for position id2 targetNucleotide = TE.split(".")[1][-1:] # where the edge is leading to c1 = set(IUPAC[constr1]) # getting all explicit symbols of c1 c2 = set(IUPAC_reverseComplements[constr2]) # getting the reverse complement explicit symbols of c2 if targetNucleotide in c1: if id1 == id2: return 1 else: if targetNucleotide in c2: return 1 else: return 0 else: return 0 def applyTerrainModification(terrain, s, tmpGC, SC, BPstack, IUPAC, IUPAC_compatibles, IUPAC_reverseComplements): """ Dependend on the constraint situation of tGC and sequence constraints, the terrain is modified accordingly in this function. """ dels = [] for terrainelement in sorted(terrain): pheromone, pathlength = terrain[terrainelement] pheromone = getConstraint(terrainelement, BPstack, IUPAC, IUPAC_compatibles, IUPAC_reverseComplements) pathlength = getConstraint(terrainelement, BPstack, IUPAC, IUPAC_compatibles, IUPAC_reverseComplements) pathlength = applyGCcontributionPathAdjustment(pathlength, tmpGC,terrainelement.split(".")[1][-1:]) if pheromone * pathlength == 0: dels.append(terrainelement) terrain[terrainelement] = (pheromone, pathlength,[]) further_dels = {} for terrainelement in sorted(dels): pos, nucs = terrainelement.split(".") if int(pos) < len(s)-1: to_nt = nucs[-1:] successor_pos = int(pos) + 1 for i in ["A", "C", "G", "U"]: del_element = str(successor_pos) + "." + to_nt + i further_dels[del_element] = 1 further_dels[terrainelement] = 1 # deleting the inbound and outbound edges, which are forbidden for terrainelement in further_dels: del terrain[terrainelement] # allocate the appropriate children of edges for terrainelement in terrain: pheromone, pathlength, children = terrain[terrainelement] pos, nucs = terrainelement.split(".") if int(pos) < len(s): to_nt = nucs[-1:] successor_pos = int(pos) + 1 for i in ["A", "C", "G", "U"]: if str(successor_pos) + "." + to_nt + i in terrain: children.append(str(successor_pos) + "." + to_nt + i) terrain[terrainelement] = (pheromone, pathlength,children) starts = [] for i in ["A", "C", "G", "U"]: if str(0) + "." + i in terrain: starts.append(str(0) + "." + i) terrain["00.XY"] = (1, 1, starts) return (terrain, BPstack) def initTerrain(s): # THE CLASSIC """ Initialization of the terrain with graph like terrain... vertices are modeled implicitly """ nt = ["A","C","G","U"] nt2 = ["AA","AC","AG","AU","CA","CC","CG","CU","GA","GC","GG","GU","UA","UC","UG","UU"] # Allowed dinucleotides e = {} pathlength = 1 pheromone = 1 for p in xrange(len(s)): if p == 0: for i in nt: e["%s.%s"%(p,i)] = (pheromone, pathlength) elif p > 0: for n in nt2: e["%s.%s"%(p,n)] = (pheromone, pathlength) return e def evaporate(t, er): """ Evaporate the terrain's pheromone trails """ terr, BP = t c = 1 for key in terr: p,l,c = terr[key] p *= (1-er) terr[key] = (p, l, c) def updateValue(distance, correction_term, omega): """ Retrieves a distance dependend pheromone value """ if correction_term == 0: return 0 else: if distance == 0: return omega * correction_term else: return (1/float(distance)) * correction_term def trailBlaze(p, c_s, s, ds, dgc, dseq, t, correction_terms, BPstack, verbose): """ Pheromone Update function accorinding to the quality of the solution """ terr, BP = t bpstack, LP = getbpStack(c_s) struct_correction_term , GC_correction_term, seq_correction_term = correction_terms omega = 2.23 bs = updateValue(ds, struct_correction_term, omega) bGC = updateValue(dgc, GC_correction_term, omega) if dseq != "n.a.": bSeq = updateValue(dseq, seq_correction_term, omega) d = bs + bGC + bSeq else: d = bs + bGC transitions = getTransitions(p) for trans in xrange(len(transitions)): # for each transition in the path id1 = int(transitions[trans].split(".")[0]) tar_id2 = int(BPstack[id1][1][0]) # getting requested position id2 curr_id2 = int(bpstack[id1]) # getting the current situation multiplicator = 0 if tar_id2 == curr_id2 and id1 != tar_id2 and id1 != curr_id2: # case of a base pair, having both brackets on the correct position multiplicator = 1 elif tar_id2 == curr_id2 and id1 == tar_id2 and id1 == curr_id2: # case of a single stranded base in both structures multiplicator = 1 p, l, c = terr[transitions[trans]] # getting the pheromone and the length value of the single path transition p += d * multiplicator terr[transitions[trans]] = (p, l, c) # updating the values wihtin the terrain's t = (terr, BP) def updateTerrain(p, c_s, s, ds, dgc, dseq, t, er, correction_terms, BPstack, verbose, ant_count): """ General updating function """ evaporate(t,er) trailBlaze(p, c_s, s, ds, dgc, dseq, t, correction_terms, BPstack, verbose) def printTerrain(terrain): """ Prints out the terrain """ tmp_i = "0" tmp_c = 0 terrain = terrain[0] for a, i in enumerate(sorted(terrain.keys())): #print a if i.split(".")[0] != tmp_i: print "\nElements:", tmp_c,"\n#########################\n", i, terrain[i] tmp_c = 1 tmp_i = i.split(".")[0] else: print i, terrain[i] tmp_c += 1 print "\nElements:", tmp_c print "#########################" print len(terrain) ############################# ### ANT WALKING FUNCTIONS ### ############################# def pickStep(tmp_steps, summe): """ Selects a step within the terrain """ if len(tmp_steps) == 1: return tmp_steps[0][1] # returning the nucleotide of the only present step else: rand = random.random() # draw random number mainval = 0 for choice in xrange(len(tmp_steps)): val, label = tmp_steps[choice] mainval += val/float(summe) if mainval > rand: # as soon, as the mainval gets larger than the random value the assignment is done return label def getPathFromSelection( aps, s, terrain, alpha, beta, RNAfold, RNAfold_pattern, GC, SC, LP, verbose, IUPAC_compatibles, degreeOfSequenceInducement, IUPAC_reverseComplements, IUPAC): """ Returns the winning path from a selection of pathes... """ terr, BPs = terrain win_path = 0 for i in xrange(aps): # Generate Sequence path = getPath(s, terr, BPs, alpha, beta, IUPAC, IUPAC_reverseComplements) # Measure sequence features and transform them into singular distances distance_structural = float(getStructuralDistance(s, SC , path, RNAfold, verbose, LP, BPs, RNAfold_pattern, IUPAC_compatibles, degreeOfSequenceInducement)) distance_GC = float(getGCDistance(GC,getGC(path), len(path))) distance_seq = float(getSequenceEditDistance(SC, path)) # Calculate Distance Score D = distance_structural + distance_GC + distance_seq # SELECT THE BEST-OUT-OF-k-SOLUTIONS according to distance score if i == 0: win_path = (path, D, distance_structural, distance_GC, distance_seq) else: if D < win_path[1]: win_path = (path, D, distance_structural, distance_GC, distance_seq) return win_path def getPath(s, tmp_terrain, tmp_BPstack, alpha, beta, IUPAC, IUPAC_reverseComplements): """ Performs a walk through the terrain and assembles a sequence, while respecting the structure constraint and IUPAC base complementarity of the base pairs GU, GC and AT """ nt = ["A","C","G","U"] prev_edge = "00.XY" sequence = "" while len(sequence) < len(s): coming_from = sequence[-1:] summe = 0 steps = [] i = len(sequence) allowed_nt = "ACGU" if i > tmp_BPstack[i][1][0]: jump = tmp_BPstack[i][1][0] nuc_at_jump = sequence[jump] allowed_nt = IUPAC_reverseComplements[nuc_at_jump] # Checking for every possible nt if it is suitable for the selection procedure for edge in tmp_terrain[prev_edge][-1]: if edge[-1:] in allowed_nt: pheromone, PL , children = tmp_terrain[edge] #if PL > 0: value = ((float(pheromone * alpha)) + ((1/float(PL)) * beta)) summe += value steps.append((value, edge)) prev_edge = pickStep(steps, summe) sequence += prev_edge[-1:] return sequence def getTransitions(p): """ Retreive transitions of a specific path/sequence """ transitions = [] for pos in xrange(len(p)): if pos == 0: transitions.append(str(pos) + "." + p[pos]) else: insert = p[pos-1] + p[pos] transitions.append(str(pos) + "." + insert) return transitions ############################################# ### STRUCTURE PREDICTION RNAfold WRAPPING ### ############################################# def init_RNAfold(temperature, paramFile = ""): """ Initialization RNAfold listener """ #p2p = "/home/rk/Software/ViennaRNA/ViennaRNA-1.8.5/Progs/RNAfold" p2p = "RNAfold" t = "-T " + str(temperature) P = "" if paramFile != "": P = "-P " + paramFile p = subprocess.Popen( ([p2p, '--noPS', '-d 2', t, P]), #shell = True, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, close_fds = True) return p def consult_RNAfold(seq, p): """ Consults RNAfold listener """ p.stdin.write(seq+'\n') out = "" for i in xrange(2): out += p.stdout.readline() return out def getRNAfoldStructure(struct2, process1): """ Retrieves folded structure of a RNAfold call """ RNAfold_pattern = re.compile('.+\n([.()]+)\s.+') #RNAdist_pattern = re.compile('.*\s([\d]+)') RNAfold_match = RNAfold_pattern.match(consult_RNAfold(struct2, process1)) current_structure = "" #if RNAfold_match: return ############################################### ### SEQUENCE/STRUCTURE FEATURE MEASUREMENTS ### ############################################### def getInducingSequencePositions(Cseq, degreeOfSequenceInducement): """ Delimiting the degree of structure inducement by the supplied sequence constraint. 0 : no sequence induced structure constraint 1 : "ACGT" induce structure (explicit nucleotide structure inducement level) 2 : "MWKSYR" and "ACGT" (explicit and double instances) 3 : "BDHV" , "MWKSYR" and "ACGT" (explicit, double, and triple instances) """ setOfNucleotides = "" # resembling the "0"-case if degreeOfSequenceInducement == 1: setOfNucleotides = "ACGU" elif degreeOfSequenceInducement == 2: setOfNucleotides = "ACGUMWKSYR" elif degreeOfSequenceInducement == 3: setOfNucleotides = "ACGUMWKSYRBDHV" #elif degreeOfSequenceInducement == 4: #setOfNucleotides = "ACGTMWKSYRBDHVN" tmpSeq = "" listset = setOfNucleotides for pos in Cseq: if pos not in listset: tmpSeq += "N" else: tmpSeq += pos return setOfNucleotides, tmpSeq def getBPDifferenceDistance(stack1, stack2): """ Based on the not identical amount of base pairs within both structure stacks """ d = 0 for i in stack1.keys(): # check base pairs in stack 1 if i < stack1[i] and stack1[i] != stack2[i]: d += 1 # check base pairs in stack 2 for i in stack2.keys(): if i < stack2[i] and stack1[i] != stack2[i]: d += 1 return d def getStructuralDistance(target_structure, Cseq, path, RNAfold, verbose, LP, BP, RNAfold_pattern, IUPAC_compatibles, degreeOfSequenceInducement): """ Calculator for Structural Distance """ current_structure = "" RNAfold_match = RNAfold_pattern.match(consult_RNAfold(path, RNAfold)) current_structure = # generate the current structure's base-pair stack bp = getbpStack(current_structure)[0] # add case-dependend structural constraints in case of lonley basepairs formation tmp_target_structure_bp = getbpStack(target_structure)[0] for lp in LP: if bp[lp] == LP[lp]: # if the base pair is within the current solution structure, re-add the basepair into the constraint structure. tmp_target_structure_bp[lp] = LP[lp] tmp_target_structure_bp[LP[lp]] = lp # REMOVE BLOCK CONSTRAINT AND SUBSTITUTE IT WITH SINGLE STRAND INFORMATION repsective with brackets, if allowed base pairs occure # check for all allowed implicit constraint block declarators for c in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": occurances = [] for m in re.finditer(c, target_structure): # search for a declarator in the requested structure occurances.append(m.start()) # save the corresponding index # transform declarator into single stranded request for i in occurances: tmp_target_structure_bp[i] = i # infer a base pair within the block declarated positions, if the current structure provides it. for i in occurances: for j in occurances: if i < j: if bp[i] == j: tmp_target_structure_bp[i] = bp[i] tmp_target_structure_bp[bp[i]] = i # CHECK FOR SEQUENCE CONSTRAINT WHICH INDUCES STRUCTURE CONSTRAINT IN THE MOMENTARY SITUATION IUPACinducers, tmp_Cseq = getInducingSequencePositions(Cseq, degreeOfSequenceInducement) if len(Cseq.strip("N")) > 0: # Iterate over all positions within the Base Pair stack for i in BP: # Check for each base index i if i < bp[i]: # if the current index is samller that the affiliated in the basepair stack of the current solution bp_j = bp[i] # Actual j index of the current solution BP_j = BP[i][1][0] # j index of the requested structure if (i != bp_j and i == BP_j and BP[i][0] in IUPACinducers ): # if i pairs with some other base in the current structure, and i is requested single stranded and the Sequence constraint is allowed to induce... if (BP[bp_j][1][0] == bp_j and BP[bp_j][0] in IUPACinducers):# If position j is requested singlestranded and position j nucleotide can induce base pairs tmp_target_structure_bp[i] = bp[i] tmp_target_structure_bp[bp_j] = i dsreg = getBPDifferenceDistance(tmp_target_structure_bp, bp) # CHECK FOR ALL DETERMINED LONELY BASE PAIRS (i 0: d = d - abs(nt_coeff - c) * pc_nt elif d == 0: pass d = round(d, 7) return abs(d) def getSequenceEditDistance(SC, path): """ Calculate sequence edit distance of a solution to the constraint """# IUPAC = {"A":"A", "C":"C", "G":"G", "U":"U", "R":"AG", "Y":"CU", "S":"GC", "W":"AU","K":"GU", "M":"AC", "B":"CGU", "D":"AGU", "H":"ACU", "V":"ACG", "N":"ACGU"} edit = 0 for i in xrange(len(SC)): if path[i] not in IUPAC[SC[i]]: edit += 1 return edit/float(len(path)) ############################## ### HOOMPALOOMPA FUNCTIONS ### ############################## def print2file(f, i, m): """ print content i to file f in mode m """ line = str(i) if m == "a": call = "echo \"" + line + "\" >> " + f elif m == "w": call = "echo \"" + line + "\" > " + f os.system(call) def getUsedTime(start_time): """ Return the used time between -start time- and now. """ end_time = time.time() return end_time - start_time def substr(x, string, subst): """ Classical substring function """ s1 = string[:x-1] s2 = string[x-1:x] s3 = string[x:] return s1 + subst + s3 def getGCSamplingValue(GC, tGCmax, tGCvar): """ Returns a suitable GC value, dependend on the user input: Either returning the single GC value, which the user entered, or a smpled GC value from a designated distribution in it's interavals """ returnval = 0 if tGCmax == -1.0 and tGCvar == -1.0: # regular plain tGC value as requested return GC elif tGCmax != -1.0 and tGCvar == -1.0: # uniform distribution tGC value sampling if GC < tGCmax: tmp_GC = tGCmax tGCmax = GC GC = tmp_GC while returnval <= 0: returnval = float(numpy.random.uniform(low=GC, high=tGCmax, size=1)) return returnval elif tGCmax == -1.0 and tGCvar != -1.0: # normal distribution tGC value sampling while returnval <= 0: returnval = float(numpy.random.normal(GC, tGCvar, 1)) return returnval def inConvergenceCorridor(d_struct, d_gc, BS_d_struct, BS_d_gc): """ Check if a solutions qualities are within the convergence corridor """ struct_var = ((BS_d_struct/float(4)) + 3 ) * 4 gc_var = (BS_d_gc + 1/float(100) * 5) + BS_d_gc + 1 if d_struct <= struct_var and d_gc <= gc_var: return True else: return False def checkForViennaTools(): """ Checking for the presence of the Vienna tools in the system by which'ing for RNAfold and RNAdistance """ RNAfold_output = subprocess.Popen(["which", "RNAfold"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() if len(RNAfold_output) > 0 and RNAfold_output.find("found") == -1 and RNAfold_output.find(" no ") == -1: return True else: print "It seems the Vienna RNA Package is not installed on your machine. Please do so!" print "You can get it at" exit(0) ########################### ### FORM THE ANT STREET ### ########################### def runColony(s, SC, objective_to_target_distance, GC, alpha, beta, evaporation_rate, correction_terms, verbose, IUPAC, IUPAC_compatibles, degreeOfSequenceInducement, IUPAC_reverseComplements, termination_convergence, convergence_count, reset_limit, improve, temperature, paramFile): """ Execution function of a single ant colony finding one solution sequence """ retString = "" retString2 = "" BPstack, LP = getBPStack(s, SC) rGC = reachableGC(SC) GC_message = "" if GC > rGC: print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: Chosen target GC %s content is not reachable due to sequence constraint! Sequence Constraint GC-content is: %s" % (GC, rGC) GC = rGC # Initial Constraint Checks prior to execution STR = isValidStructure(s) START_SC , SC = checkSequenceConstraint(str(SC)) START_LENGTH = checkSimilarLength(str(s), str(SC)) START_constraint_compatibility , CompReport = checkConstaintCompatibility(BPstack, SC, IUPAC_compatibles) g2g = good2Go(START_SC, START_LENGTH, START_constraint_compatibility, STR) if (g2g == 1): start_time = time.time() max_time = 600 # seconds RNAfold = init_RNAfold(temperature, paramFile) RNAfold_pattern = re.compile('.+\n([.()]+)\s.+') terrain = initTerrain(s) terrain = applyTerrainModification(terrain, s, GC, SC, BPstack, IUPAC, IUPAC_compatibles, IUPAC_reverseComplements) global_ant_count = 0 global_best_ants = 0 criterion = False met = True ant_no = 1 prev_res = 0 seq = "" counter = 0 dstruct_log = [] dGC_log = [] distance_structural = 1000 distance_GC = 1000 distance_seq = 1000 convergence = convergence_count convergence_counter = 0 resets = 0 path = "" curr_structure = "" Dscore = 100000 distance_structural = 10000 distance_GC = 10000 distance_seq = 10000 best_solution = (path, curr_structure, Dscore, distance_structural, distance_GC, distance_seq) best_solution_local = (path, curr_structure, Dscore, distance_structural, distance_GC, distance_seq) best_solution_since = 0 ants_per_selection = 10 if len(LP) > 0 : for lp in LP: s = substr(lp + 1, s, ".") s = substr(LP[lp] + 1, s, ".") while criterion != met and getUsedTime(start_time) < max_time: iteration_start = time.time() global_ant_count += 1 global_best_ants += 1 path_info = getPathFromSelection(ants_per_selection, s, terrain, alpha, beta, RNAfold, RNAfold_pattern, GC, SC, LP, verbose, IUPAC_compatibles, degreeOfSequenceInducement, IUPAC_reverseComplements, IUPAC) distance_structural_prev = distance_structural distance_GC_prev = distance_GC distance_seq_prev = distance_seq path, Dscore , distance_structural, distance_GC, distance_seq = path_info curr_structure = "" curr_structure = getRNAfoldStructure(path, RNAfold) curr_solution = (path,curr_structure, Dscore, distance_structural, distance_GC, distance_seq) # BEST SOLUTION PICKING if improve == "h": # hierarchical check # for the global best solution if distance_structural < best_solution[3] or (distance_structural == best_solution[3] and distance_GC < best_solution[4]): best_solution = curr_solution ant_no = 1 # for the local (reset) best solution if distance_structural < best_solution_local[3] or (distance_structural == best_solution_local[3] and distance_GC < best_solution_local[4]): best_solution_local = curr_solution elif improve == "s": #score based check # store best global solution if Dscore < best_solution[2]: best_solution = curr_solution ant_no = 1 # store best local solution for this reset if Dscore < best_solution_local[2]: best_solution_local = curr_solution if verbose: print "SCORE " + str(Dscore) + " Resets " + str(resets) + " #Ant " + str(global_ant_count) + " out of " + str(ants_per_selection) + " cc " + str(convergence_counter) print s, " <- target struct" print best_solution[0] , " <- BS since ", str(best_solution_since), "Size of Terrrain:", len(terrain[0]) print best_solution[1] , " <- BS Dscore " + str(best_solution[2]) + " ds " + str(best_solution[3]) + " dGC " + str(best_solution[4]) + " dseq " + str(best_solution[5])+ " LP " + str(len(LP)) + " <- best solution stats" print curr_structure, " <- CS" print path, print " <- CS", "Dscore", str(Dscore), "ds", distance_structural, "dGC", distance_GC, "GC", getGC(path)*100, "Dseq", distance_seq #### UPDATING THE TERRAIN ACCORDING TO THE QUALITY OF THE CURRENT BESTO-OUT-OF-k SOLUTION updateTerrain(path, curr_structure, s, distance_structural,distance_GC, distance_seq, terrain, evaporation_rate, correction_terms, BPstack, verbose, global_ant_count) #### if verbose: print "Used time for one iteration", time.time() - iteration_start if inConvergenceCorridor(curr_solution[3], curr_solution[4], best_solution_local[3], best_solution_local[4]): convergence_counter += 1 if distance_structural_prev == distance_structural and distance_GC_prev == distance_GC: convergence_counter += 1 if best_solution[3] == objective_to_target_distance: if best_solution[4] == 0.0: break ant_no = ant_no + 1 convergence_counter -= 1 else: ant_no = 1 if ant_no == termination_convergence or resets >= reset_limit or global_ant_count >= 100000 or best_solution_since == 5: break # RESET if ant_no < termination_convergence and convergence_counter >= convergence: terrain = initTerrain(s) terrain = applyTerrainModification(terrain, s, GC, SC, BPstack, IUPAC, IUPAC_compatibles, IUPAC_reverseComplements) criterion = False met = True ant_no = 1 prev_res = 0 pre_path = "_" * len(s) path = "" curr_structure = "" counter = 0 Dscore = 100000 distance_structural = 1000 distance_GC = 1000 distance_seq = 1000 best_solution_local = (path, curr_structure, Dscore, distance_structural, distance_GC, distance_seq) convergence = convergence_count convergence_counter = 0 if resets == 0: sentinel_solution = best_solution best_solution_since += 1 else: if best_solution[2] < sentinel_solution[2]: sentinel_solution = best_solution best_solution_since = 0 else: best_solution_since += 1 resets += 1 duration = getUsedTime(start_time) retString += "|Ants:" + str(global_ant_count) retString += "|Resets:" + str(resets) + "/" + str(reset_limit) retString += "|AntsTC:" + str(termination_convergence) retString += "|CC:" + str(convergence_count) retString += "|IP:" + str(improve) retString += "|BSS:" + str(best_solution_since) sequence = best_solution[0] struct = best_solution[1] retString += "|LP:" + str(len(LP)) retString += "|ds:" + str(getStructuralDistance(s,SC, sequence, RNAfold, verbose, LP, BPstack, RNAfold_pattern, IUPAC_compatibles, degreeOfSequenceInducement)) retString += "|dGC:" + str(best_solution[4]) retString += "|GC:" + str(getGC(sequence)*100) retString += "|dseq:" + str(getSequenceEditDistance(SC, sequence)) retString += "|L:" + str(len(sequence)) retString += "|Time:" + str(duration) retString2 += "\n" + struct + "\n" retString2 += sequence # CLOSING THE PIPES TO THE PROGRAMS RNAfold.communicate() else: # Structural premisses are not met, htherefore the program will halt with a failure message retString += "\nSome mistake detected\n" retString += "SequenceConstraintCheck: " + str(START_SC) + "\nSequenceConstraint: " + str(SC) + "\nLengthCheck: " + str(START_LENGTH) + "\nConstraintCompatibility: " + str(START_constraint_compatibility)+ "\n" + CompReport + "\n" return (retString, retString2) def findSequence(structure, Cseq, tGC, colonies, name, alpha, beta, evaporation_rate, struct_correction_term, GC_correction_term, seq_correction_term, degreeOfSequenceInducement, file_id, verbose, output_verbose, tGCmax, tGCvar, termination_convergence, convergence_count, reset_limit, improve, seed, temperature, paramFile, return_mod = False): """ MAIN antaRNA - ant assembled RNA """ if seed != "none": random.seed(seed) if Cseq == "": sequenceconstraint = "N" * len(structure) else: sequenceconstraint = str(Cseq) alpha = float(alpha) beta = float(beta) tGC = float(tGC) evaporation_rate = float(evaporation_rate) struct_correction_term = float(struct_correction_term) GC_correction_term = float(GC_correction_term) seq_correction_term = float(seq_correction_term) colonies = int(colonies) file_id = str(file_id) verbose = verbose output_verbose = output_verbose correction_terms = struct_correction_term, GC_correction_term, seq_correction_term temperature = float(temperature) print_to_STDOUT = (file_id == "STDOUT") if return_mod == False: if print_to_STDOUT == False: outfolder = '/'.join(file_id.strip().split("/")[:-1]) curr_dir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(outfolder): os.makedirs(outfolder) os.chdir(outfolder) sequenceconstraint = transform(sequenceconstraint) ############################################### # Allowed deviation from the structural target: objective_to_target_distance = 0.0 # Loading the IUPAC copatibilities of nuleotides and their abstract representing symbols IUPAC = {"A":"A", "C":"C", "G":"G", "U":"U", "R":"AG", "Y":"CU", "S":"GC", "W":"AU","K":"GU", "M":"AC", "B":"CGU", "D":"AGU", "H":"ACU", "V":"ACG", "N":"ACGU"} IUPAC_compatibles = loadIUPACcompatibilities(IUPAC) IUPAC_reverseComplements = {"A":"U", "C":"G", "G":"C", "U":"A", "R":"UC", "Y":"AG", "S":"GC", "W":"UA","K":"CA", "M":"UG", "B":"AGC", "D":"ACU", "H":"UGA", "V":"UGC", "N":"ACGU"} result = [] for col in xrange(colonies): # Checking the kind of taget GC value should be used GC = getGCSamplingValue(tGC, tGCmax, tGCvar) # Actual execution of a ant colony procesdure output_v, output_w = runColony(structure, sequenceconstraint, objective_to_target_distance, GC, alpha, beta, evaporation_rate, correction_terms, verbose, IUPAC, IUPAC_compatibles, degreeOfSequenceInducement, IUPAC_reverseComplements, termination_convergence, convergence_count, reset_limit, improve, temperature, paramFile) # Post-Processing the output of a ant colony procedure line = ">" + name + str(col) if output_verbose: line += "|Cstr:" + structure + "|Cseq:" + sequenceconstraint + "|Alpha:" + str(alpha) + "|Beta:" + str(beta) + "|tGC:" + str(GC) + "|ER:" + str(evaporation_rate) + "|Struct_CT:" + str(struct_correction_term) + "|GC_CT:" + str(GC_correction_term) + "|Seq_CT:" + str(seq_correction_term) + output_v + output_w else: line += output_w if return_mod == False: if print_to_STDOUT: print line else: if col == 0: print2file(file_id, line, 'w') else: print2file(file_id, line, 'a') else: result.append(line) if return_mod == True: return result if print_to_STDOUT == False: os.chdir(curr_dir) def execute(args): """ CHECK AND PARSE THE COMMAND LINE STUFF """ name = structure = args.Cstr if args.Cseq == "": sequenceconstraint = "N" * len(structure) else: sequenceconstraint = args.Cseq seed = args.seed alpha = args.alpha beta = args.beta tGC = args.tGC evaporation_rate = args.ER struct_correction_term = args.Cstrweight GC_correction_term = args.Cgcweight seq_correction_term = args.Cseqweight colonies = args.noOfColonies degreeOfSequenceInducement = args.level file_id = args.output_file verbose = args.verbose output_verbose = args.output_verbose tGCmax = args.tGCmax tGCvar = args.tGCvar termination_convergence = args.antsTerConv convergence_count = args.ConvergenceCount temperature = args.temperature reset_limit = args.Resets improve = args.improve_procedure ### RNAfold parameterfile paramFile = args.paramFile checkForViennaTools() findSequence(structure, sequenceconstraint, tGC, colonies, name, alpha, beta, evaporation_rate, struct_correction_term, GC_correction_term, seq_correction_term, degreeOfSequenceInducement, file_id, verbose, output_verbose, tGCmax, tGCvar, termination_convergence, convergence_count, reset_limit, improve, seed, temperature, paramFile) def exe(): """ ENTRY TO THE SEQUENCE DESIGN """ argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = """ ######################################################################### # antaRNA - ant assembled RNA # # -> Ant Colony Optimized RNA Sequence Design # # ------------------------------------------------------------ # # Robert Kleinkauf (c) 2015 # # Bioinformatics, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany # ######################################################################### - For antaRNA only the VIENNNA RNA Package must be installed on your linux system. antaRNA will only check, if the executables of RNAfold of the ViennaRNA package can be found. If those programs are not installed correctly, no output will be generated, an also no warning will be prompted. So the binary path of the Vienna Tools must be set up correctly in your system's PATH variable in order to run antaRNA correctly! - If you plan to use the distribution sampling functionality of antaRNA, please make sure, that the python library `numpy' is available on your system. - antaRNA was only tested under Linux. - For questions and remarks please feel free to contact us at """, epilog = """ Example calls: python --Cstr "...(((...)))..." --tGC 0.5 -n 2 python --Cstr ".........AAA(((...)))AAA........." --tGC 0.5 -n 10 --output_file /path/to/antaRNA_TESTRUN -ov python --Cstr "BBBBB....AAA(((...)))AAA....BBBBB" --Cseq "NNNNANNNNNCNNNNNNNNNNNGNNNNNNUNNN" --tGC 0.5 -n 10 ######################################################################### # --- Hail to the Queen!!! All power to the swarm!!! --- # ######################################################################### """, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter ) argument_parser.add_argument("-Cstr", "--Cstr", help="Structure constraint using RNA dotbracket notation with fuzzy block constraint. \n(TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=str, required=True) argument_parser.add_argument("-tGC", "--tGC", help="Objective target GC content in [0,1].\n(TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=float, required=True) argument_parser.add_argument("-n", "--noOfColonies", help="Number of sequences which shall be produced. \n(TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n\n\n", type=int, required=True) argument_parser.add_argument("-s", "--seed", help = "Provides a seed value for the used pseudo random number generator.\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=str, default="none") argument_parser.add_argument("-ip", "--improve_procedure", help = "Select the improving method. h=hierarchical, s=score_based.\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=str, default="s") argument_parser.add_argument("-r", "--Resets", help = "Amount of maximal terrain resets, until the best solution is retuned as solution.\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=int, default=5) argument_parser.add_argument("-CC", "--ConvergenceCount", help = "Delimits the convergence count criterion for a reset.\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=int, default=130) argument_parser.add_argument("-aTC", "--antsTerConv", help = "Delimits the amount of internal ants for termination convergence criterion for a reset.\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=int, default=50) argument_parser.add_argument("-tGCmax", "--tGCmax", help = "Provides a maximum tGC value [0,1] for the case of uniform distribution sampling. The regular tGC value serves as minimum value.\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=float, default=-1.0) argument_parser.add_argument("-tGCvar", "--tGCvar", help = "Provides a tGC variance (sigma square) for the case of normal distribution sampling. The regular tGC value serves as expectation value (mu).\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=float, default=-1.0) argument_parser.add_argument("-t", "--temperature", help = "Provides a temperature for the folding algorithms.\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=float, default=37.0) argument_parser.add_argument("-P", "--paramFile", help = "Changes the energy parameterfile of RNAfold. If using this explicitly, please provide a suitable energy file delivered by RNAfold. \n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=str, default="") argument_parser.add_argument("-of","--output_file", help="Provide a path and an output file, e.g. \"/path/to/the/target_file\". \n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=str, default="STDOUT") argument_parser.add_argument("-Cseq", "--Cseq", help="Sequence constraint using RNA nucleotide alphabet {A,C,G,U} and wild-card \"N\". \n(TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=str, default = "") argument_parser.add_argument("-l", "--level", help="Sets the level of allowed influence of sequence constraint on the structure constraint [0:no influence; 3:extensive influence].\n(TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=int, default = 1) argument_parser.add_argument("--name", help="Defines a name which is used in the sequence output. \n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=str, default="antaRNA_") argument_parser.add_argument("-a", "--alpha", help="Sets alpha, probability weight for terrain pheromone influence. [0,1] \n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=float, default=1.0) argument_parser.add_argument("-b", "--beta", help="Sets beta, probability weight for terrain path influence. [0,1]\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=float, default=1.0) argument_parser.add_argument("-er", "--ER", help="Pheromone evaporation rate. \n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=float, default=0.2) argument_parser.add_argument("-Cstrw", "--Cstrweight", help="Structure constraint quality weighting factor. [0,1]\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=float, default=0.5) argument_parser.add_argument("-Cgcw", "--Cgcweight", help="GC content constraint quality weighting factor. [0,1]\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n", type=float, default=5.0) argument_parser.add_argument("-Cseqw", "--Cseqweight", help="Sequence constraint quality weighting factor. [0,1]\n(DEFAULT: %(default)s, TYPE: %(type)s)\n\n\n", type=float, default=1.0) argument_parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Displayes intermediate output.\n\n", action="store_true") argument_parser.add_argument("-ov", "--output_verbose", help="Prints additional output to the headers of the produced sequences.\n\n", action="store_false") args = argument_parser.parse_args() execute(args) if __name__ == "__main__": exe()