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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "LT_Funnels.hh"
00003 namespace ell
00004 {
00006     LT_Funnels::LT_Funnels()
00007     {
00008     }
00010     LT_Funnels::~LT_Funnels()
00011     {
00012     }
00016     // Sets the saddle if (a) no saddle exists or (b) the old saddle is higher
00017     // than the new one.
00018     // NOTE: only a DIRECTED edge is checked from the higher to the lower 
00019     // minimum according to the State::less operator.
00020     // @param i index of the first minimum to connect
00021     // @param j index of the second minimum to connect
00022     // @param s the State representating the saddle point
00023     // @return whether or not the data structure has been changed
00024     virtual 
00025     bool 
00026     LT_Funnels::
00027 	addSaddle(const size_t i, const size_t j, const State* const s);
00029     // Sets the saddle if (a) no saddle exists or (b) the old saddle is higher
00030     // than the new one.
00031     // NOTE: only a DIRECTED edge is checked from the higher to the lower 
00032     // minimum according to the State::less operator.
00033     // @param m_i the first minimum to connect
00034     // @param m_j the second minimum to connect
00035     // @param s the State representating the saddle point
00036     // @return whether or not the data structure has been changed
00037     virtual 
00038     bool 
00039     LT_Funnels::
00040 	addSaddle(const State* const m_i, const State* const m_j, const State* const s);
00042     // Adds an UNKNOWN minimum to the topology.
00043     // NOTE : this operation should NOT change the indices of already existing
00044     //        minima in the topology !
00045     // FURTHER : the minimum is not checked if it is already known
00046     // @param m the minimum to add
00047     // @return the index of the minimum in the landscape
00048     virtual 
00049     const size_t 
00050     LT_Funnels::
00051 	addMin(const State* const m);
00053     // Access to the minimum index.
00054     // @param m the minimum of that the index should be accessed
00055     // @return  the index of the minimum, or INVALID_INDEX if 'm' is no known 
00056     //          minimum
00057     virtual 
00058     const size_t 
00059     LT_Funnels::
00060 	getMinIndex(const State* const m) const;
00062     // Access to the number of stored minima.
00063     // @return the number of minima
00064     virtual 
00065     const size_t 
00066     LT_Funnels::
00067 	getMinCount() const;
00069     // Access to a minimum.
00070     // @param i index of the minimum to access
00071     // @return the State with the specified minimum index
00072     virtual 
00073     const State* const 
00074     LT_Funnels::
00075 	getMin(size_t i) const;
00077     // Access to the global minimum of the landscape with minimal energy.
00078     // @return the minimum with smallest energy (and smallest string 
00079     //         representation for tiebreaking)
00080     virtual 
00081     const State* const 
00082     LT_Funnels::
00083 	getMFEState() const;
00085     // Calculates the relative 'distance' between landscape topologies.
00086     // On the LandscapeTopology level it is done on the minima only. For each
00087     // minimum m present in only one of the two LTs a value of 
00088     // MISSING_MINIMUM_PENALTY*(e^(-energy(m)/BOLTZMANN_KT)) is summed. The 
00089     // resulting sum is normalized by the number of (unique) minima in both
00090     // topologies.
00091     // @param lt the landscape topology to calculate the distance to
00092     // @return the distance
00093     virtual 
00094     double 
00095     LT_Funnels::
00096 	getDistance(const LandscapeTopology* const lt) const;
00098     // Sorts the minima ascending by their energy (mfe minimum gets index 0). 
00099     // If energy is equal they are sorted by their string representation.
00100     virtual 
00101     void 
00102     LT_Funnels::
00103 	sort();
00105     // Check if the minima of the landscape are sorted ascendingly by their 
00106     // energy (mfe minimum gets index 0). 
00107     // If energy is equal they are sorted by their string representation.
00108     virtual 
00109     bool 
00110     LT_Funnels::
00111 	isSorted() const;
00113     // Clears the data structure and removes all stored information to be 
00114     // filled again afterwards. 
00115     virtual 
00116     void 
00117     LT_Funnels::
00118 	clear();
00120     // Writes the current landscape topology to stream.
00121     // @param out the output stream to write to.
00122     // @param writeGraph whether or not the output should contain a graph
00123     //        representation of the topology in graphviz DOT format
00124     virtual 
00125     void
00126     LT_Funnels::
00127 	write( std::ostream & out, 
00128             const bool writeGraph = false ) const;
00130     // Fills the landscape topology from stream.
00131     // @param in the input stream to read from.
00132     // @param templateState the State template to create new State objects via
00133     //        its 'fromString' function
00134     // @return an error encoding and an error string :
00135     //          0 = no error occured, read was successfull
00136     //         -1 = landscape topology type not supported
00137     //         -2 = state description differs from the given one
00138     //         -3 = other read errors
00139     virtual 
00140     std::pair<int,std::string>
00141     LT_Funnels::
00142 	read(  std::istream & in, 
00143             const State * const templateState );
00146 } // namespace ell