@INPROCEEDINGS{palu_moehl_will_cp2010, AUTHOR = {Alessandro Dal Palu and Mathias M{\"o}hl and Sebastian Will}, TITLE = {A Propagator for Maximum Weight String Alignment with Arbitrary Pairwise Dependencies}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-2010)}, YEAR = {2010}, PAGES = {8}, LOCATION = {St Andrews, Scotland}, USER = {mmohl}, ABSTRACT = { The optimization of weighted string alignments is a well studied problem recurring in a number of application domains and can be solved efficiently. The problem becomes MAX-SNP-hard as soon as arbitrary pairwise dependencies among the alignment edges are introduced. We present a global propagator for this problem which is based on efficiently solving a relaxation of it. In the context of bioinformatics, the problem is known as alignment of arc-annotated sequences, which is e.g. used for comparing RNA molecules. For a restricted version of this alignment problem, we show that a constraint program based on our propagator is on par with state of the art methods. For the general problem with unrestricted dependencies, our tool constitutes the first available method with promising applications in this field. }, user = {mmohl} }