@article{Mann-MICA-2018, title = "{MICA}: Multiple interval-based curve alignment", journal = "SoftwareX", volume = "7", number = "", pages = "53-58", year = "2018", issn = "2352-7110", doi = "10.1016/j.softx.2018.02.003", user = "mmann", author = "Martin Mann and Hans-Peter Kahle and Matthias Beck and Bela Johannes Bender and Heinrich Spiecker and Rolf Backofen", abstract = "Abstract \{MICA\} enables the automatic synchronization of discrete data curves. To this end, characteristic points of the curves’ shapes are identified. These landmarks are used within a heuristic curve registration approach to align profile pairs by mapping similar characteristics onto each other. In combination with a progressive alignment scheme, this enables the computation of multiple curve alignments. Multiple curve alignments are needed to derive meaningful representative consensus data of measured time or data series. \{MICA\} was already successfully applied to generate representative profiles of tree growth data based on intra-annual wood density profiles or cell formation data. The \{MICA\} package provides a command-line and graphical user interface. The R interface enables the direct embedding of multiple curve alignment computation into larger analyses pipelines. Source code, binaries and documentation are freely available at https://github.com/BackofenLab/MICA " }