@Article{Felder_Dreisigacker_Kehraus-Salim_Unexp_Chemi-2013, author = {Felder, Stephan and Dreisigacker, Sandra and Kehraus, Stefan and Neu, Edith and Bierbaum, Gabriele and Wright, Patrick R. and Menche, Dirk and Schaberle, Till F. and Konig, Gabriele M.}, title = {Salimabromide: {Unexpected} {Chemistry} from the {Obligate} {Marine} {Myxobacterium} {Enhygromxya} salina}, journal = {Chemistry}, year = {2013}, volume = {19}, number = {28}, pages = {9319-24}, user = {wrightp}, pmid = {23703738}, doi = {10.1002/chem.201301379}, issn = {0947-6539}, issn = {1521-3765}, abstract = {Marine myxobacteria (Enhygromyxa, Plesiocystis, Pseudoenhygromyxa, Haliangium) are phylogenetically distant from their terrestrial counterparts. Salimabromide is the first natural product from the Plesiocystis/Enhygromyxa clade of obligatory marine myxobacteria. Salimabromide has a new tetracyclic carbon skeleton, comprising a brominated benzene ring, a furano lactone residue, and a cyclohexane ring, bridged by a seven-membered cyclic moiety. The absolute configuration was deduced from experimental and calculated CD data. Salimabromide revealed antibiotic activity towards Arthrobacter cristallopoietes.} }