@InProceedings{Bac:Wil:WS-CP98, author = {Rolf Backofen and Sebastian Will}, title = {Excluding Symmetries in Concurrent Constraint Programming}, booktitle = {Workshop on Modeling and Computing with Concurrent Constraint Programming}, year = 1998, abstract = { In many problems, non-determinism naturally arises in an concurrent constraint-based formulation in form of disjunctive constraints. To check consistency of disjunctive constraints, one needs to perform search by splitting the constraint store into local computation stores. An important problem there is to eliminate symmetries, which give rise to many different but ''similar'' solutions found by the search procedure. Since symmetries will give rise to an (often exponential) amplification of the search space, symmetry exclusion promises to efficiently prune the search tree. Hence, many constraint programmers have constructed mechanisms to exclude at least some of the symmetries of their problem. Unfortunately, symmetry exclusion was often not straightforward to implement and had to be redesigned for every special problem or enumeration strategy, which leaded to an inflexibility in the program structure once it was introduced. Often symmetry exclusion was not done at all or only for a small set of symmetries. In other cases, where symmetry exclusion was implemented it distracted the programmers attention from more important tasks. The contribution of our work is to give a generally applicable method for the exclusion of arbitrary symmetries. To our knowledge, this is the first general and declarative method for excluding symmetries in concurrent constraint programming.}, user = {will} }