@InProceedings{Bac:Wil:GCB98, author = "Rolf Backofen and Sebastian Will", title = "Structure Prediction in an {HP}-type Lattice with an Extended Alphabet", booktitle = "Proc of German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB'98)", year = 1998, abstract = { The protein structure prediction problem is one of the most important problems in computational biology. This problem consists of finding the conformation of a protein (given by a sequence of amino-acids) with minimal energy. Because of the complexity of this problem, simplified models like Dill's HP-lattice model have become a major tool for investigating general properties of protein folding. Even for this simplified model, the structure prediction problem has been proven to be NP-complete. A disadvantage of the HP-problem is its high degeneracy. I.e., for every sequence there are a lot of conformations having the minimal energy. For this reason, extended alphabets have been used in the literature. One of these alphabets is the HPNX-alphabet, which considers hydrophobic amino acids as well as positive and negative charged ones. In this paper, we describe an exact algorithm for solving the structure prediction problem for the HPNX-alphabet. To our knowledge, our algorithm is the first exact one for finding the minimal conformation of an lattice protein in a lattice model with an alphabet more complex than HP. We also compare our results with results as given for the HP-model. }, user = {will} }