@inproceedings{Amit-local_exact_pattern_matching-CPM2012, author = {Mika Amit and Rolf Backofen and Steffen Heyne and Gad M. Landau and Mathias M{\"o}hl and Christina Schmiedl and Sebastian Will}, title = {Local Exact Pattern Matching for Non-fixed {RNA} Structures}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2012)}, year = 2012, series = {LNCS}, volume = 7354, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, editors = {Juha K{\"a}rkk{\"a}inen and Jens Stoye}, isbn = {978-3-642-31264-9}, pages = {306-320}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-31265-6_25}, user = {will}, abstract = {Detecting local common sequence-structure regions of RNAs is a biologically meaningful problem. By detecting such regions, biologists are able to identify functional similarity between the inspected molecules. We developed dynamic programming algorithms for finding common structure-sequence patterns between two RNAs. The RNAs are given by their sequence and a set of potential base pairs with associated probabilities. In contrast to prior work which matches fixed structures, we support the arc breaking edit operation; this allows to match only a subset of the given base pairs. We present an $O(n^3)$ algorithm for local exact pattern matching between two nested RNAs, and an $O(n^3 logn)$ algorithm for one nested RNA and one bounded-unlimited RNA.} }