V+Ü: Machine Learning in Life Sciences (en) @ ILIAS
(HISinOne: 11LE13V-1112 + 11LE13Ü-1112)
| Lecturers - Rolf Backofen, A. Kumar, S. Hauns |
| Lecture - We 14:00-16:00 - Bld. 106 SR 00 007 (MMR) |
| Exercise support - A. Kumar, S. Hauns, R. Köksal, A. Heidari |
| Exercises - Fri 10:00-12:00 - Bld. 106 SR 00 007 (MMR) |
| Format: offline |
| Initial Meeting: 16.10.24 at 14:00 - 16:00 - Bld. 106 SR 00 007 (MMR) |
V+Ü Bioinformatics I (en) @ ILIAS
(HISinOne: 11LE13V-1309 + 11LE13Ü-1309)
| Lecturers - Rolf Backofen |
| Lecture - We 10:00-12:00 - Bld. 101 SR 01-009/13 |
| Exercise support - D. Rabsch, A. Mitrofanov, W. Pargeter |
| Exercises - Th 12:00-14:00 - Bld. 106 SR 00 007 (MMR) |
| Exercises - Th 14:00-16:00 - Bld. 051 SR 00 034 |
| Format: offline |
| Initial Meeting: We 16.10.24 - at 10:00 - 12:00 - Bld. 106 SR 00 007 (MMR) |
V+Ü Optimierung (de) @ ILIAS
(HISinOne: 11LE13V-720 + 11LE13Ü-720)
| Lecturers - Rolf Backofen |
| Lecture - Th 10:00-12:00 - Bld. 101 HS 026 |
| Exercise support - |
| Exercises - Th 12:00-14:00 - online |
| Format: Lecture - offline, Exercise - mixed |
| Lecture and Exercise swap biweekly (check Ilias) |
| Initial Meeting: Th 17.10.2024 - 10:00-12:00 - Bld. 101 HS 026 |
V+Ü: Introduction to data-driven life sciences (en) @ ILIAS
(HISinOne: 11LE13V-1335 + 11LE13Ü-1335 - specialized lecture with exercise)
| Lecturers - Rolf Backofen, A. Erxleben, Galaxy Team |
| Lecture - Tue 10:00-12:00 - Bld. 106 SR 00 007 (MMR) |
| Exercise support - Galaxy Team |
| Exercises - We 12:00-14:00 - Bld. 106 SR 00 007 (MMR) (starts with 1 week delay) |
| Initial Meeting: Together with first lecture on Tuesday 15th October at 10:15 |
| Format: offline |
| More Information & Contact: (Daniela Schneider) |
V+Ü High-Throughput data analysis with Galaxy (en) @ ILIAS
(HISinOne: 11LE13Ü-1350_PO 20220 - specialized lecture with exerccise - block course)
| Lecturers - Rolf Backofen, A. Erxleben, Galaxy Team |
| Self-learning during semester (material in ILIAS) |
| Block course Galaxy: 10-14 March 2025 |
| Initial Meeting: Tuesday 15th October 13:00 s.t. Georges-Köhler-Allee 079, SR -1016 (basement) |
| Format: offline |
| More Information & Contact: (Daniela Schneider) |
S: Proseminars - Introduction to (data analysis in) Bioinformatics (en) @ ILIAS
(HISinOne: 11LE13S-510-21 + 11LE13S-510-23 - Bachelor Students)
| Lecturers - Rolf Backofen, T. Müller |
| 3-4 dates with mandatory attendance: 5-6th December 2024 (9:30-15:30) + 16-17 January 2025 (9:30-15:30) |
| Initial Meeting: Wednesday 16th October 12:00 s.t. Georges-Köhler-Allee 079, SR -1016 (basement) |
| Format: offline |
| More Information & Contact: (Teresa Müller) |